Sunday, May 17, 2009

Day 1 - The Arrival

Hello Nicaraguaa!!!!


So we finally arrived here and whoa has the excitement gotten to all of us!!!! Watching the volcanoes from atop was one of the most amazing things that I have seen to this day. The scenery is b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l!! It was crazy though to see the poverty from the airplane, Managua is the capital but it looked like an ordinary city and that gave me chills. It finally hit me that we were in Nicaragua when the plane finally landed and the flight attendant welcomed us to Nicaragua, the whole group just clapped. When we got off there was a strange check point in which you stood in front of this thermal scanner and it checked to see if you had a temperature, I had never seen anything like it but it was pretty cool. We had to go through customs and then finally we were picking up our luggage and that’s when Jhon spotted Patty and Rachel. It was pretty exciting to meet them and they are awesome. They are so cool to be around and their vibe is so chill. It was really hot so we decided to go to the shade with Patty,Martha, Emily, and Keyla and Keyla got pooped on by a birdie, it was pretty funny,lucky way to start our journey! We then packed up the top of the bus with our luggage and met Luis our bus driver, he is very nice. Then we were finally off to our new home away from home CEPAD!!!



Ahhhhh!! I’m in Nicaragua for reall.



1 comment:

  1. Good luck to you guys over there. Glad to see you got there safe. LASO wishes you luck. HAVE FUN!

    --Jose A. Parra
